Saturday, March 31, 2012

Defining Brush Presets in Photoshop

After a hectic semester, here I'm starting blogging again.
This time I'm going to show you how to create brush presets in photoshop. Remember the times you searched the whole internet for the perfect brush that you need, but couldn't find. It's a nightmare. It gets worse when the brush is a simple shape, that is so simple. From now on, you don't have to worry, because from now on you know how to create brush presets. Yeppeeeee!

Before starting this is from Photoshop CS3

1.First goto File -> New
Create a document with following parameters
Width: 100px
Height: 100px
Color Mode: RGB
Background Contents: White

2. Now select "Elipse Tool" from the Tool Palette

3. Draw a circle as below.

4. Select a brush. In this case I'm choosing a brush of size 9px and hardness 100%

5. Choose Path Selection Tool (Press A on your keyboard)

6. Right-click on the circle and choose Stroke Path. Choose Brush and uncheck Simulate Pressure.

7. You should have something similar to the below image.

8. Goto Edit -> Define Brush Preset
Note: For Define Brush Preset to work, you should have only one layer. If you have multiple layers. Go to Layer -> Flatten Image

9. You'll get the following window. Save your brush preset with the desired name.

10. Now you should have the AWESOME BRUSH you created in the brush palatte.

10. Now go crazy with it.

Hope this was useful. See you with something usefull

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